Friday, February 29, 2008

Maybe I Should Grow Up

My son brought home a flyer from school today. Austin is in the 5th grade and the school is having the district nurse (Mrs. Suzanne Dick) give a presentation to all the boys about the changes that their bodies will be going through. I don't remember this talk taking place until junior high for me, and it came from Mr. Roden. When I read that Mrs. Dick was giving the presentation I had a hard time explaining to Austin what I thought was so funny.

I tried to scan the flyer and post it but I couldn't get it up. Maybe Mrs. Dick could help me with that too.

Let the "grown up" comments fly.


Anonymous said...

Be happy that Austin is in the 5th grade and is still so blissfully unaware!

Hyperher said...

We got the "talk" in 5th grade too. Maybe the more podunk places get it so that they can improve statistics. Hm...

Elizabeth said...

That poor woman! Maybe she should change her name to Richard for the presentation. ;)

White Hot Magik said...

That is funny!

Malathionman said...

Hey my fourth grade teacher's name was Mr. Dick. He was bald headed and he was also the music teacher. I totally got it back then. I can remember him singing at the piano. All of us little punks said he looked like a giant singing penis. Get that picture out of your head now.

Anonymous said...

Oh please, please, please tell me that you aren't going to quit trying to get that flyer scanned! Think of Austin, and his future amusement when he's adult enough to partake in such humor! Think of the children!

Patty O said...

I had the talk in ninth grade from the school priest. I remember all the guys in the lockers talking about how they were going to ask him all sorts of stupid sexual questions. I wonder if he was sweating it going in, haha.

Guinevere said...

We got the talk in FOURTH grade!!! The boys and girls were separated and the school nurse talked to us while the PE coach talked to the boys.

Having a woman talk to the boys???? What's up with THAT??? Like they're not going to be embarrassed enough, let's have a WOMAN talk to them!? lol Wow.

Chris said...

In 1991 (age 27 for those of you keeping score) I attended a presentation of a new application for a new area at work. The lady giving the presentation kept using the name "Mike Hunt" in the demo. It was all I could do not to laugh out loud as she said: "And now Mike Hunt will be sending an email..." It was in this meeting that I started a very good friendship with Bill, who could also see the humor in it all.

So never grow up. Just hide it better :)