Monday, September 10, 2007

Another Brick In The Wall

Both of my kids brought this home for me to read last week. WTH !!! Can’t teachers be left alone to teach reading and arithmetic’s? It looks like they have to teach students how to behave first. Shouldn’t the students come with those skills already ingrained from home? Maybe I’m too “old school”. When I went to elementary school, you behaved yourself or you saw the principle and his paddle. It kept ME out of trouble. I didn’t want that swat from Mr. Dick (yes, that really was his name). From reading this “behavioral focus plan” you would think our kids couldn’t be aloud to be kids and that they don’t know the meaning of respect. I know my kids know the meaning of respect, but they can be pretty spastic. This just seems like they want little Stepford Kids. Can’t kids be kids without losing valuable learning time? Do we need to go to this extreme? Maybe we do. Things sure have changed, but have they for the better?


Guinevere said...

Stepford kids was what I was thinking too.

The lost learning time comes mostly from teachers having to discipline and deal with behavioral issues that aren't being dealt with at home. Unfortunately.

Why do you think we homeschooled? ;o)

Anonymous said...

For the better?? Are you insane??

Once again, not taking on the responsibility at home and let someone else do it. And then parents get mad when their child is reprimanded by the teacher. I have a meeting to get to (lucky you), otherwise I'd rant for awhile.

Tammie Jean said...

I can't believe this needs to be put on paper...

Faff said...

Oh man this sucks. Is it me or does it seem the more of this kind of crap there is the less responsibility parents take for their kids and the worse kids get. This really is something almost Orwellian.